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Archive for Category: Hockey Lifestyle

Re-Drafting the First Round of the 2003 NHL Draft: Picks 30-21

Analyzing the NHL Draft can always be a fun exercise and an incredible debate. The armchair GM’s at home – like us – love to claim that we know who should be taken where, each and every year, with little...

5 Best Things Everyone Should Do on St. Paddy's Day

One of the greatest festivities every year is hands down St. Patrick’s Day; a day to honor the Irish folks and their heritage and culture.

The 4 Types of Tape Jobs

The Sock Description: A complete covering of the entire blade by white tape. If done correctly there will be no visible blade peeking out from the tape. Often a pair of scissors is needed to complete the look and trim...

The Top 5 Hockey Pranks

With any good prank the first step is to find your victim, It could be a grizzled old vet or a brand new fresh off the practice squad rookie. No matter what the key to picking the right victim is...

Top 5 Retro Hockey Games

The EA Sports NHL franchise of video games has almost become another holiday to mark on the calendar. Every September, kids and adults alike line up to get their hands on the newest addition and play it until their thumbs...

10 Tips to Keep Hockey Parents Sane

This week we bring you an article by Jamie McKinven, about how you can keep your sanity this year as a hockey parent! 1.      Hockey is a Fun Game, Period The number one goal in all youth sports is to have...

An Open Letter to Hockey Dads

Dear Hockey Dads, What can you say about a life defined by hockey. A life dictated by hockey. A life dedicated to hockey and a life dedicated to each other. Looking back on it all, it becomes so much clearer...

The Three Things You Didn't Know About Hockey Moms

Hockey Moms are the most dedicated, caring and loving mothers around. At the same time they are the most fearsome and terrifying mothers around.  Someone once told me “Never be afraid of another player on the ice, always be afraid...

An Open Letter To Hockey Moms, From Hockey Players Everywhere

Dear Hockey Moms, THANK YOU. Although these two words are merely that, two words, they mean so much more, there is so much that has gone into that “Thank You”. Not on our end but on your end. When you...

Gongshow: Growing the Game

The game of hockey is one of the greatest sports on earth and we here at GONGSHOW want to help let everyone experience it. We want to break down barriers, we want to give the ability to play and enjoy...

The Ducks, Where are They Now?

Recently the cast of the D2 The Mighty Ducks reunited for the 20th anniversiry of the film. It only felt appropriate to have a little fun and wonder, What ever happened to The Ducks? These are their stories… Coach Bombay-...

No Excuses, Just Results

Another summer gone by another off-season closer to your goal. “Making it” means making your dreams a reality. It means making others eat their words. It means making other players jealous. Making it means you did what others couldn’t. A...

Final OT: What Happens When You Finally Hang Em' Up

The final buzzer goes—it’s over, just like that. No special celebrations no farewell parties. The only thing left is you and the game you love. Looking around you take it all in—the crowd, the scoreboard and the old barn that’s...

Best Hockey Names of All Time

When you think hockey it’s inevitable that the names like Gretzky, Lemieux and Howe come to mind. However the hockey world has seen its fair share of hockey players whose names sound like they were sent down from the hockey...

Performance Enhancing... Music

P.E.M. (Performance Enhancing Music) For years and years, gym go-ers have been searching for any possible way to get that extra motivation for their workouts. Some cloud up their water with unproven supplements like NO Explode or Jack3d. Others pound back a few...
